Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2020



Body: Maitreya Lara 

Hair: -Fabia-Mesh Hair  <Vanessa>

Outfit: .:Beyond:. Rebecca ♥Thankies♥

Exclusive for FaMESHedX (Open 10th June)
 • Rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, Freya and Hourglass
 • 100% original mesh.
 • 20 Transparent Hearts Colors 
• 20 Transparent colors
 • 20 Solid Thong
 Single options includes hud with 20 textures Thong.
 Only the Fatpack and the demo have hud to change the texture of the different parts.
 Please try the demo before making your purchase. 

Pose: Foxcity Rich Bento Pose Set 
Backdrop: Foxcity Photo Booth - Big Dough