Freitag, 7. Februar 2020



Body: Maitreya Lara 

Hair: Doux Babyrose 

Outfit: [WellMade] Gladys Dress ♥Thankies♥
Exclusive for 7Event - February 5th ~ 20th ➸ Altamura, Belleza (all), Ebody Curvy, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink (all) and TMP

Scene: .:Tm:.Creation R10 "The Hearts" Blanket-PG-ADT ♥Thankies♥
Exclusive for Swank Event LM:"February 2020" (Open 7th to 29th February, 2020)- Available in .:Tm:.Creation store after 1st March, 2020

Deco: .:Tm:.Creation V15 Valentine Balloons Love You Decor ♥Thankies♥
Exclusive for UniK Event LM: 7th 1PM SLT to 28th February, 2020) - Avalable in .:Tm:.Creation store after 29th February, 2020