Body: Maitreya Lara
Hair: Exile Minutes In Reverse
Outfit: Tooty Fruity Sweater Keely ♥Thankies♥
Yasum Gigi Pants (from the Set) @Cosmopolitan Dec.15th - dec. 25th
Shoe: TETRA Lara high Boots (Black)
with or without Stockings
Pose: SamPoses Sledge
Backdrop: .:Joplino:. Backdrop Winter Wolves ♥Thankies♥
Exclusive at Suicide Dollz Event http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Raven%20Wood/53/146/29 Event open till december 20th prize 250L
Backdrop: .:Joplino:. Backdrop Winter Wolves ♥Thankies♥
Exclusive at Suicide Dollz Event http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Raven%20Wood/53/146/29 Event open till december 20th prize 250L